
ISAlmere-Secondary currently offers two programmes: the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the  Diploma Programme (DP). Both are authorised by the International Baccalaureate  Organisation (IBO) and the Council of International Schools (CIS). The aim of these  programmes is to develop internationally minded people who help to create a better, more peaceful world by living out the IB learner profile

What is an IB education?

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The Middle Years Programme (MYP) 

The MYP aims is to guide students towards a broad development. We encourage personal development through which students learn to empathise with others, give meaning to their own lives and be meaningful to those around them, whether they are near or far. We challenge teenagers to become ambitious people who realise they can make a difference and are aware of the importance of diversity and interact with others in inclusive ways. 

During MYP, students will further develop into professionals and committed citizens. They will fill their toolbox with academic research skills such as critical and creative thinking, communication, cooperation and self-management. They will learn to engage and be independent, to apply their knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts and to solve increasingly complex problems. They will research local, national and global issues as well as conceptual concepts. By making connections between their own lives, the world around them and their education, they will see the relevance in continuing their education. This will stimulate their curiosity and in return entice them to want to learn more and continue to do so throughout the course of their higher education.  

Within the subject groups, we work thematically as much as possible. Within the IB programme, there is a strong focus on culture, communication, research, social work and critical thinking. We shape our holistic education by having students work on a larger interdisciplinary project every year, either alone or with others. This will help them make connections and increases their understanding of the world. 

The MYP is a concept-based inquiry curriculum that is completed in MYP5 with the  eAssessments leading to an MYP Certificate or Course Completion. 

MYP classes have a maximum of 24 students. 

There are eight subject groups: 

• Language and Literature (English and Dutch) 

• Language Acquisition (English, Dutch, French and Spanish) 

• Mathematics 

• Arts (Theatre, Music and Visual Arts) 

• Integrated Sciences 

• Physical and Health Education 

• Individuals and Societies 

• Design 

To read more about IB Middle Years Programme, click here.

Career-related Programme (CP) – Starting in September 2025

International School Almere is a Candidate School* for the Career-related Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy–a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that International School Almere believes is important for our students.

*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

The Diploma Programme (DP) 

During the Diploma Programme, students develop their physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical capacities to the fullest. They extend their knowledge and develop into ambitious young adults who speak at least two languages and have sound knowledge of traditional academic subjects. By participating in the DP, students will learn to cope with work pressure and expectations whilst learning to plan their time and work well with others. 

Students that follow the Diploma Programme will be enrolled in six subject groups: Studies in language and literature, Language acquisition, Individuals and societies, Sciences, Mathematics and Arts. In addition, they will complete a DP core that includes three required components: Theory of knowledge, a comprehensive extended essay and multiple experiences linked to either Creativity, Activity and/or Service. Students are required to take initiative. Throughout all components of the DP programme, students will demonstrate personal and professional development, show curiosity and a holistic view of the world, and demonstrate high levels of engagement and inclusive action. DP students have internalised our core values and are able to express them. 

There are six subject groups: 

1. Language and Literature 

  • English LAL (HL/SL)
  • Dutch LAL (HL/SL) 
  • School-Supported-Self-Taught Literature (SL only) 

2. Language Acquisition 

  • English LA (HS/SL) 
  • Dutch LA (HS/SL) 
  • Dutch ab Initio (SL only) 
  • Spanish LA (HS/SL) 
  • French LA (HS/SL) 
  • Or an extra Group 1 language. 

3. Individuals and Societies 

  • History (HS/SL) 
  • Business Management (HS/SL) 
  • Economics (HS/SL) 
  • Global Politics (HS/SL) 

Environmental Systems and Societies (SL only) 

4. Experimental Sciences 

  • Biology (HS/SL) 
  • Chemistry (HS/SL) 
  • Physics (HS/SL) 
  • Product Design (HS/SL) 
  • Environmental Systems and Societies 

5. Mathematics 

– Applications and Interpretations (HS/SL) – Analysis and Approaches (HS/SL) 

6. Arts 

  • Visual Arts (HS/SL)
  • Music (HL/SL)

For further information about Diploma Programme at International School Almere, please download the Introduction to the Diploma Programme.

For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit