Parent Support Group and Participation Council

Parent Support Group

Our school has a Parent Support Group consisting of parents/guardians who volunteer their time. Members of the school leadership team attend meetings of the Parent Support Group in an advisory capacity.

The Parent Support Group main roles are:
– Organizing and running social events
– Connecting members of the school community
– Advising the Participation Council

Parent support is appreciated in many areas:
– reading activities
– specific expertise
– group projects/topics of learning
– library activities
– logistic assistance (car, bicycle)
– sport activities
– parties/social events

Participation Council:

The Participation Council is made up of representatives of parents/guardians and staff. The Participation Council deals with wide varieties of subjects that are represented in the official “Participation Council Regulations”. The council advises school leadership on various matters concerning the school. Suggestions concerning regulations and other appropriate matters may be brought to the notice of Participation Council members. The Participation Council is made up of three parents and three teachers. A member of school leadership attends the meetings in an advisory capacity. The Participation Council has seven/eight meetings per year.

For questions on this matter, please contact us :