Leave of absence / Absenteeism
Absence Reporting
The school must be notified on the first day of the child’s absence via Toddle before 08:30. It is important that parents always notify the school in case of illness or a sudden visit to dentist or doctor. The school is required by law to record the reason for any student absence.
Applications for leave of absence
Leave of absence must be agreed upon by school leadership. An application for leave must be filled out and approved prior to the absence. Please note that it is compulsory under Dutch law for children who are 5 years and older to go to school five days a week. The application form for leave and more detailed information regarding what is permissible can be downloaded below.
Please be reminded that school attendance is compulsory for children starting at five years of age and that continued absence from school is harmful to the progress and development of the student. School leadership is obliged by Dutch law to contact the school truancy officer in the event of irregular absences from school and this can result in parents having to pay a fine.
If you have any additional questions, please contact school leadership.