Home Languages
At International School Almere, we celebrate the rich linguistic diversity within our community. Our students bring a tapestry of languages that reflect their unique cultural heritages and identities.
Our Linguistic Landscape
ISAlmere is proud to be home to students and staff who speak a wide variety of languages. This linguistic diversity enriches our learning environment and provides authentic opportunities for intercultural understanding—a core value of the International Baccalaureate framework.
Languages in Our Community
Our school community currently includes speakers of:

IB Philosophy and Multilingualism
The International Baccalaureate places great importance on language learning and recognizes that:
- Language is central to learning and inquiry
- All teachers are language teachers
- Multilingualism fosters international-mindedness and global citizenship
Supporting Home Languages
While we teach primarily in English, we value and encourage students to maintain and develop their home languages. Research shows that strong home language skills support overall academic achievement and second language acquisition.
Book Donation Initiative
We’re currently collecting books to support literacy in multiple languages and promote reading across our diverse community. If you have books you no longer need—in any language—consider donating them. Whether they’re in English, Spanish, Hindi, or any other home language, your contribution helps students access reading materials in their mother tongue.
Drop-off Location: ISAlmere Reception.
Spread the word in different languages:
🇺🇸 English: Donate your books today and change a life!
🇪🇸 Español: ¡Dona tus libros hoy y cambia una vida!
🇫🇷 Français: Donnez vos livres aujourd’hui et changez une vie !
🇳🇱 Nederlands: Doneer je boeken vandaag en verander een leven!
🇮🇹 Italiano: Dona i tuoi libri oggi e cambia una vita!
🇩🇪 Deutsch: Spende deine Bücher heute und verändere ein Leben!
🇮🇳 हिंदी (Hindi): आज अपनी किताबें दान करें और एक जीवन बदलें!
🇨🇳 中文 (Mandarin): 捐赠您的书籍,改变生活!
Thank you for supporting our multilingual community!